How to Create a Work Order
Flow for technicians creating orders
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Flow for technicians creating orders
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Login into the Technician Portal. Work orders are created under locations, which are under accounts. Service Max Accounts tie to locations in orca where Service Max Locations are physical locations which also tie to locations in Orca.
Step 1: Click on Account
The list of the practices created in Orca will appear. You then select the practice you are going to create the work order for.
Step 2: Once you are inside the account you will scroll down and select Related tab.
Step 3: Select the location you are working with. It will automatically default to one location.
Step 4: Once you are inside the practice location under Manage Location select Create Work Order.
Now once inside the work order you need to fill out the information to create the order.
Once you select the technician you will add the date and time you will be working on site. Once that is entered click on Save. Now the Work Order has been created
Understanding the Work Order
Step 1: Under Work Order Toolbox Click on Accept Work Order.
Step 2: Click on Start Travel
Click on Work Order Detail
Scroll down to Resolution and add the information requested on the drop down selections. In the Work Performed section add a brief summary of the work you did on site to resolve the issue.
Click on Add Parts‌
Then you will select from the drop down under Technician/Equipment, Part, Line of Price per Unit. Once you enter the information click onto Labor.
If the Technician does not hav the parts in stock this would be the steps to follow. You would click on Create Parts Order
You are going to select from the drop down in the Order Type box: Parts Sale
Under From Location you will select from the Drop down Dental Whale. Always select Dental Whale only! In the To Location Box you will select the location of the technician shop.
Now you will be able to add shipment lines to your order where you will be able to select the parts needed.
In this section you will be able to see the quantity you have selected and you can also add the line price to the item if needed. Once you have done that you can click on Save.
Add the Technician/Equipment, Part, Work Description Then Press Save.
The page will direct you to the screen above. There you will go ahead and click on Work Completed.
Now you have completed the work order.
How to Generate a Service Report
You will be directed to this page. Click on to the show more button on the far right corner of the screen to select more options.
Now you should be able to see the Service Request. Go ahead and press Save.
Click on Close Work Order
Click on Ready To Invoice
Click on the Save button
Your Work Order has been Completed.
Now we are Ready to Invoice
Now you are going to click on the Related tab
It will take a few minutes for the Invoice to generate
Make sure that the Work Order has both the Work Order # and the Invoice Pin as it will be needed to pay the invoice in the next step.
Now you are going to
The WO number and the invoice pin you can not copy and paste you have to add the numbers manually.
Once you enter those numbers you will click on Find Invoice.
Now you just have to add the CC information to pay the Invoice.
Now your Invoice should be Paid in Full.
If you go back to the the technician portal under your work order you will have a PDF stating the PAID invoice for your records.
Now you will get the same receipt but it will be marked as Paid In Full.
The status of the Work order should be Paid